The history of makeup

Historia del maquillaje Blow Dry Bar Peluqueria Madrid
Daniele Sigligiano | Blow Dry Bar Peluqueria Madrid

Escrito por Daniele Sigigliano


As many of us rush to get ready in the morning, we usually don’t give our mascara or blush a second thought. However, makeup has been around for a least 6,000 years, and has played a role in nearly every society. Check out where makeup started, and how it got to where it is today.

[bs_label type=»default»]4000 bC[/bs_label]

Ancient Egyptians use Unguent to keep their skin hydrated, supple and wrinkle-free. Women apply dark green color to the under lid. They blacken the lashes and the upper lid with kohl, wich is sometimes made from soot.

[bs_label type=»default»]1000 bC[/bs_label]

Persian women use henna dyes to stain their hair and faces.

[bs_label type=»default»]1st century[/bs_label]

Romans use kohl, rouge, and chalk to whiten their skin.

[bs_label type=»default»]6st century[/bs_label]

Women who desire pale skin begin to bleed themselves. Spanish prostitutes wear pink makeup.

[bs_label type=»default»]1600s[/bs_label]

Rich women begin to wear Aqua Toffana, a face powder made with arsenic, which leads to the deaths of some husbands.

[bs_label type=»default»]Late 1700s[/bs_label]

Rouge, lipstick, and eyebrow and hair dyeing become popular. Most makeup recipes involve herbs and other plants. Some include lead and mercury. Consequently, some wome ruin their skin and experience hair loss, stomach problems, the shakes, and even die.

[bs_label type=»default»]1800s[/bs_label]

Victorian women pluck their eyesbrow, massage castor oil into their eyelashes, use rice powder on their face, and buff their nails. They use clear pomade o their lips & rub red beet juice on their cheeks.

[bs_label type=»default»]1820[/bs_label]

Rimmel creates the first non-toxic mascara.

[bs_label type=»default»]1910[/bs_label]

The first pressed powders are introduced and include a mirror and ouff for touch-ups. Pressed blush is invented soon after.

[bs_label type=»default»]1914[/bs_label]

Vogue features Turkish women using henna to outline their eyes. Max Factor starts selling make-up to movie stars.

[bs_label type=»default»]1920s[/bs_label]

Max Factor introduces lip gloss. The first eyelash curler, Kurlash, is invented. Mascara in cake & cream forms become popular.

[bs_label type=»default»]1950s[/bs_label]

Movie star Audrey Hepburn popularizes outlined cat eyes.

[bs_label type=»default»]1970s[/bs_label]

Eyes shadows and lined eyes are still popular. Meanwhile the Feminist movement takes on the cosmetic industry.

[bs_label type=»default»]1990s[/bs_label]

Cosmetics begin to combat wrinkles and cellulite.

[bs_label type=»default»]2002[/bs_label]

Botox injections become a popular anti-aging technique.

[bs_icon name=»glyphicon glyphicon-check»] Look at infographic below with the summary of the evolution of makeup in history

We hope you enjoyed the article!

Historia del maquillaje infografia  Blow Dry Bar Peluqueria Madrid


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